One cause that is close to my heart is the SPCA. Animals are my life and I have been involved in dog and cat rescue for over ten years. This being said, the song by Sarah McLachlan that is used by the SPCA to exvke emotion related to animal cruelty is extremely effective. You can ask anyone, just thinking about this song will bring tears to your eyes and many people I know will even go as far as changing the channel on TV when the song comes on so they don't get sad from it. The emotional response people have to this song helps the SPCA get their message out about the severity and true importance of the help needed for animals in the U.S. People are not the only ones who can live The American Dream, so for every animal to have a home, know what love is, and never have to be abused or scared again is accomplishing part of The American Dream to me.
Sarah McLachlan Animal Cruelty Video
Another time when people in the music industry came together with their music to benefit the people of the United States and improve The American Dream is for the Hurricane Relief Concert in 2005. Many big artists all worked together to put on this concert that acted as a fundraiser for people harmed by hurricane Katrina. The money raised by the concert helped people get back on their feet as much as they could and also went to trying to put New Orleans back together again after complete destruction in many areas. The musicians worked with the government to create a better America for us all.
Musical guests and presenters
- Matt Lauer intro
- Harry Connick, Jr. (piano) and Wynton Marsalis (trumpet) with Victor Goines (clarinet), Lucien Barbarin (trombone) and Charles Neville (sax) - performing "Bourbon Street Parade"
- Hilary Swank - presenter
- A piece on what the hurricane did to New Orleans
- Tim McGraw - talks with Matt Lauer - performing "More Power to Ya"
- Richard Gere - presenter
- Tim McGraw - performing "Something Like That"
- Guitar auction starts
- Eriq La Salle and Lindsay Lohan - presenters
- A piece, narrated by Faith Hill
- Faith Hill - performing "There Will Come a Time"
- Glenn Close and John Goodman - presenters
- Aaron Neville - performing "Louisiana 1927"
- New York Governor George Pataki, gave a check for $2.5 million to the Red Cross represented by Bonnie McElveen-Hunter
- A piece by MSNBC's Joe Scarborough
- Harry Connick, Jr. talking with Matt Lauer
- A piece narrated by Harry Connick, Jr.
- Harry Connick, Jr. (piano, voice) with Wynton Marsalis (trumpet) - performing "Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans"
- Mike Myers and Kanye West - presenters
- Chris Tucker - presenter
- Aaron Neville - performing "Amazing Grace"
- Marcia Gay Harden - presenter
- Richard Fairbank, CEO of Capital One, sponsor of the concert, speaking.
- A piece narrated by Jimmy Smits
- Claire Danes - presenter
- A piece by Brian Williams
- Faith Hill - performing "Precious Lord, Take My Hand"
- Leonardo DiCaprio - presenter
- Matt Lauer comes on to encourage viewers to contribute
- Concert's finishing number led by Harry Connick, Jr., where close to everyone performed "When the Saints Go Marching In"