The American Dream by Generation

The American Dream by Generation

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Music for a Cause and The American Dream

Music has a way of bringing out emotions in people and creating connections to the topics being expressed in the songs like no other medium of expression has.  Due to its unique nature, music has been used over the years to bring special attention to causes that can make America a better place. 

One cause that is close to my heart is the SPCA.  Animals are my life and I have been involved in dog and cat rescue for over ten years.  This being said, the song by Sarah McLachlan that is used by the SPCA to exvke emotion related to animal cruelty is extremely effective.  You can ask anyone, just thinking about this song will bring tears to your eyes and many people I know will even go as far as changing the channel on TV when the song comes on so they don't get sad from it.  The emotional response people have to this song helps the SPCA get their message out about the severity and true importance of the help needed for animals in the U.S.  People are not the only ones who can live The American Dream, so for every animal to have a home, know what love is, and never have to be abused or scared again is accomplishing part of The American Dream to me. 

Sarah McLachlan Animal Cruelty Video

Another time when people in the music industry came together with their music to benefit the people of the United States and improve The American Dream is for the Hurricane Relief Concert in 2005.  Many big artists all worked together to put on this concert that acted as a fundraiser for people harmed by hurricane Katrina.  The money raised by the concert helped people get back on their feet as much as they could and also went to trying to put New Orleans back together again after complete destruction in many areas.  The musicians worked with the government to create a better America for us all.     

Musical guests and presenters

There are many opportunities for musicians to work with the government and the citizens of America to improve conditions for the greater good and also make The American Dream more accessable and attainable. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Major Genres Different Views on The American Dream

Different genres of music express their political views in different ways.  Each artist within the genre also has their own personal twist on the expression of political issues and stances on social problems the United States faces.  The American dream is also seen through different opinions withing and between each genre.  

The disco genre can be connected to The American Dream through the idea of perserverence and living the best life you can.  This genre is more lively and happy talking about inspiring things and how the world can and will be better.  A couple major songs  to that stood out to me are “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor and “We are Family” by Sister Sledge.  Both of these songs have an upbeat tone that encourages people to better themselves and believe in the positive our country and society has to offer

 "I Will Survive"

"We Are Family"

The rap genre tends to address very controversial issues that can get people worked up.  The music has more of a spoken tone that can tell a story accompanied by instrumental music.  The genre is also known for being dominated by African American’s, so the view of the American Dream is from their perspective instead of the "typical" white man's perspective.  Eminem’s songs such as “White America” are a bit different though because he isn’t the “normal” African American rap artist, but he still presents the skewed American Dream rap artists typically speak of where race is such a major part of what people can achieve and consider The American Dream for themselves.  The American Dream should be the same for everyone, no matter the color of your skin, but unfortunately that still isn't the case today.

"White America"

Generation x/y music is the newer music that addresses the same major issues we’ve been dealing with throughout our lives  as young adults.  The American Dream today is vastly different than it has been in the past.  Our generation is moving towards a more liberal direction where we can accept people who are different than ourselves and what we consider "normal" a little easier.  There is still a very long way to go until The American Dream of equality for all is reached, but I do believe we are slowly moving in the right direction.  The song "Born this Way" by Lady Gaga addresses personal issues such as self-confidence that helps people understand that no matter who you are or how you were born you’re important and valued for what you bring to this world.  If you're different there's nothing wrong with that and you are just as deserving for your own American Dream as anyone else is. 
 "Born this Way"

The American Dream for peace and freedom is another topic addressed through music.  Both the song “Have You Forgotten” by Daryl Worley and “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue” by Toby Keith address the after effects and feelings of society after our country was attacked by terrorists on 9/11.  A terrorist attack on American soil was very rare, but unfortunately it's becoming more common.  Our world is changing for the better and worse, but I hope in the end better comes out stronger than ever before!

"Have You Forgotten?"

 "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue"